Editing Tables with Macro in C#


I need to edit existing TableShapes. But I do not find any information about how to edit. I know how it works in VBA.

If I using this in csharp I get the error that the method Cell() is not know for Type CustomShape()

 var s1 = docTarget.ActiveLayer.CreateCustomShape("Table", 1, 10, 5, 7, 7, 6);
s1.Custom.Cell(1, 1).TextShape.Text.Story = "Sun";  // doesnt work because Cell() not a Method of CustomShape()

If I reading the Types of my Tables I get the right CustomShape Type "Table"

foreach (corel.Shape shape in shapes)
  Debug.WriteLine("shape.Custom.TypeID : " + shape.Custom.TypeID); // Output: shape.Custom.TypeID : Table

So how can I access the Object to modify the tables in C# / csharp?


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