Windows 10 Fall Creators Update - delay in various functions

Hi you all,

after installing the Fall Creators Update of Windows 10 64bit we noticed a delay in the follwoing functions:

When starting - takse very long to open a new document.

Copy an object (rectangle) - takes about 30 sec. (busy clock apears)

Print dialog appears after a long delay of about 1 min.

Export to web dialog appears after a long delay of about 1 min.

There might be other problems, but we uninstalled the update. After reinstalling it again, same problems. Now permernatently uninstalled. Normal behavior again.

Any ideas? Does anyone have similar problems?

Thanks for your response.

  • It's a porblem of the Fall Creators Update and CorelDRAW.


    The problem: Some Winows API functions are terrible slow since Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. There are also dependencies to display drivers. In Windows Save Mode, all functions are still very fast.

    CorelDRAW calls those funcitons many times with same parameters without need. They could store and reuse the results, but they call the functions ten times for each new/copy/export/..., especially EnumColorProfilesW().

    I created a Visual C++ program that tests the system, here is the code:

    #include <Windows.h>
    #include <Icm.h>               // mscms.lib needed

    void main()
       ENUMTYPE zType;
       ZeroMemory( &zType, sizeof( zType ) );
       zType.dwSize = sizeof( zType );
       zType.dwVersion = 0x300u;
       zType.dwFields = ET_DEVICENAME | ET_SIGNATURE;
       zType.pDeviceName = L"Microsoft print to PDF";
       zType.dwDeviceClass = CLASS_PRINTER;

       BYTE abBuffer[ 2u ];
       DWORD dwSize = 2u;
       DWORD dwProfiles = 0u;

       DWORD dwStart = GetTickCount();
       if( EnumColorProfiles( NULL, &zType, abBuffer, &dwSize, &dwProfiles ) )
          DWORD dwDuration = GetTickCount() - dwStart;
          TCHAR acMessage[ 1000u ];

          if( dwDuration > 10u )
             swprintf_s( acMessage, sizeof( acMessage ),
             L"Duration of EnumColorProfiles(): %u ms. This is slow!\n"
             L"E.g. CorelDRAW would take about %u ms to copy an object to clipbord, export images or create a new document.",
                         dwDuration, 10u * dwDuration );
             MessageBox( NULL, acMessage, L"Duration", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION );
             swprintf_s( acMessage, sizeof( acMessage ), L"Duration of EnumColorProfiles(): %u ms (that's ok).", dwDuration );
             MessageBox( NULL, acMessage, L"Duration", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION );


       MessageBox( NULL, L"Error: EnumColorProfiles() failed!", L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR );

    I used different graphics cards and drivers with my system, and the results are differing enormously:
    -    Safe mode: 3 ms
    -    No driver installed (normal mode): 90 ms
    -    ASUS nVidia GTX1060-6G with newest driver: 110 ms
    -    AMD Radeon R9 200 series card with driver version Crimson 17.7.2: 520 ms
    -    AMD Radeon R9 200 series card with driver version Adrenalin 18.1.1 (newest): 4950 ms

    On other systems, the effect with Fall Creators Update is smaller, but still present (eg. 13 ms on my wife’s pc).

    I provided this information to the customer support. I hope, the software developers get notice. I now work with the patched ones, until corel raises an update.
    I am a professional software developer and suggested them a solution that would work.
    I also patched the corel-dlls for test purposes, and then the delay was short.

    I now work with the patched ones, until corel raises an update.

    I hope they do their job.

     I also provided the information to Microsoft.

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