Rosette Patterns (aka guilloche)


Can anyone give any hints or tips as to how I could create a pattern like the one below on CorelDRAW X4? As practice, I've been trying to copy the pattern below, but whatever I do I can't get a similar pattern to the internal flower like pattern.



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  • Let's work inwards, since firstly created objects end up below newer ones. First, the outer three circles.

    A1. Create the outermost circle, give it the outline and colour you desire, then, while it remains selected, keep Shift pressed while you drag your cursor inwards. Without releasing neither the Shift key nor the left mouse button, press and release once the RIGHT mouse button. THEN release the left button and then the Shift key. You will have generated by now a second circle (smaller) aligned with the first one. Explanation: The Shift will keep the same centre of the old shape while resizing and the right mouse click will create a duplicate.

    A2. Press CTRL + R to repeat the action (a third circle will be created). Resize it if needed.


    Now, the radial lines:

    B1 . Make sure you've got guidelines on (View/Guidelines) and the Snap to Guidelines is also active (View/Snap to Guidelines). Select any of your circles. Drag a vertical and a horizontal guideline until they snap to the center of your circle. That will be the center point for all of your objects. Use the Bézier tool to create a straight line from the topmost to the bottom-most edge of your smallest created circle. Adjust its colour and width as desired.

    B2. Open the Transformation Docker (Window/Dockers/Transformation). Select the 2nd icon in the Docker (the Rotate icon, that is). Make sure that in the little graphic in this docker which shows eight little squares plus a circle inside, the circle is selected.

    To create the lines easily and quickly, I will divide the number of degrees in a circle between the number of lines I want to create (360 ÷ 180 = 2, in this case), then use the resulting value to enter in the "Angle" field in the docker. After entering the number 2 in this field, press the Docker button Apply to Duplicate as many times needed until you fill the whole circunference with line duplicates. When they are ready, select them (be careful not to selec the circles and press CTRL + L. This will combine them into a single object.

    Now, the wavy, curvy shapes:

    C1. Select the Star tool (keep the Polygon tool for a while to reveal it). Enter the value 12 in the Number of points (...) field (next to a little star icon in the top toolbar on your screen. Enter the value 5 in the Sharpness of star (...) field. Then click and leave pressed the keys Shift and Alt while you move your cursor towards the crossing of your guidelines (it will snap, which is good). Left-click and drag outwards to create a pointy 12-pointed star. Modify its colour and outline width as desired.

    C1-B. Let's use this star to trim the radial lines, so that only what falls outside of the star shows. Open the Shaping docker (Window/Dockers/Shaping). With the star selected, select the Trim option in its drop-down menu. Be sure that the option Source Object is selected and Target Object is unchecked. Click on the button Apply and you will see that a big, thick arrow appears. Use it to click on the radial lines. The part underneath the star will disappear.

    C2. With your Star selected, press CTRL+ Q. This will stop considering your object as a star, but as a normal editable object (though I will still refer to it as "star" in this tutorial). Select the Shape tool in your toolbox and you will see that the star's nodes are now shown. Select all of them by marquee-dragging your cursor around them or by selecting one of them and pressing CTRL+A. Go to the upper horizontal tool bar and press the icon Convert line to Curve, so that you they are able to be curved. Then press the icon named Make Node Smooth to actually curve them in a smooth way.

    C3. Repeat with the star the procedure made to the circle in A1 in order to get a smaller duplicate of it. Make it just a bit smaller (around 75% of the first one). Click on this small star once more until you see the rotation angles (curved arrows in its corners). Rotate it 2 or 3° in any direction.

    C4. Switch to the Blend tool in the Toolbox. Use it to connect the smaller star to the bigger one by clicking and dragging. When the button is released, you will have a blend of 22 objects (20 is the default number, plus your 2 original stars). In the horizontal top Tool bar, change the value 20 in the Number of Steps field to just 5.

    C5. Select this Blend group (that is, the blend objects and the original stars) and repeat the procedure described in A1 to create a smaller duplicate (70% of the size will do). Change the outline of this group so that it looks thinner. Rotate this Blend group as desired.

    C6. Repeat the procedure in A1 again to generate a third duplicate, and this time choose the same thicknes of the original. Rotate it as desired.

    C7. Make a slightly smaller duplicate of only the smallest star (you deselect everything by pressing ESC).

    C8. Make another duplicate of the last created star, this time 40% smaller. Select the Shape tool, keep ALT pressed and lasso-select only the nodes that form the innermost curves of this star (24 nodes in total). Go to the horizontal Tool menu and click on the Stretch and Scale Nodes icon. Drag your cursor inwards around 80% of the way in. This will create a star with longer arms.

    C9. Blend the last two stars you have created as described in C4.

    Now, the final step: the inner circles.

    C10. Use the guidelines to create a small circle (a tad smaller than your smallest star so far) and make two smaller duplicates of it as described in steps A1 and A2.

    C11. Your rosette is finished. Group your object if desired.

    The final object:
