What kind of music are YOU listening while you are creative?

 Asked just for fun. I think drawing/painting  and music belong together.

Here is my list:

for quick and expressive drawings I listen to alternative rock like Blind Age(unknown to the most of you, friends to me), Linkin' Park, 3Doors Down, Alter Bridge, and many more.

for very freaky ideas I listen to Dream Theatre(though I can't stand that only for 1-2 hours...)

for moody titles and chilley works I listen to recreative Ambient&Trance Techno like XERXES, Martin O'Donnel(Soundtrack from HALO2) and several else.

Now let me know yours...


  • When I am thinking about ideas, I normally switch the music off, but when I am doing the actual design or painting/drawing, something energetic like skinny puppy, porter, etc, can do the trick. I tend to listen to a lot of "alternative" rock, but cuban or mexican sones also make me spin.

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