Looking to get a script that ran in CorelDraw 2017 to work in 2017

When I run the following code in an excel that has a reference to the design library it does not work. It ran on computers with 2017 installed but creates errors after making the rectangle in a computer with X5

SWOrigin(0) = PlateCorner_2(0) + Spacing
SWOrigin(1) = PlateCorner_1(1) - (3 - QtySW) * (Width + Spacing)
SWCorner_1(0) = SWOrigin(0)
SWCorner_1(1) = SWOrigin(1)
SWCorner_2(0) = SWCorner_1(0) + Height
SWCorner_2(1) = SWOrigin(1) - Width
HoleCoords(0) = SWCorner_2(1) + 5 / 32
HoleCoords(1) = SWCorner_1(1) - 5 / 32
Set Label = CorelApp.ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle(SWCorner_1(0), SWCorner_1(1), SWCorner_2(0), SWCorner_2(1))
With Label
          .Rectangle.CornerType = cdrCornerTypeRound
          .Rectangle.RelativeCornerScaling = True
End With
Set Hole_1 = CorelApp.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(0, HoleCoords(0), Radius, Radius)
Set Hole_2 = ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(0, HoleCoords(1), Radius, Radius)


The error highlights the Set Hole_1 = CorelApp.ActiveLayer.CreateEllipse2(0, HoleCoords(0), Radius, Radius) line