PhotoPaint X5 and Windows 7 locks jpg files

I have Corel PhotoPaint X5 running on Windows 7 x64. Every time I save a jpg or jpeg file, the file cannot be shared and appears with a padlock on the bottom left hand corner. To be able to share it, I have to go to the properties of every individual photo and add "Everyone" to the permissions in the Security Tab. Other files save OK. Its only jpg/jpeg files that get locked. Anyone have any ideas how to solve this annoying problem?

  • This is a bug.

    The bug is still there in PhotoPaint X6.

    The issue does not occur on PhotoPaint X3 (which you can happily run side by side with X6, by the way) or on competing programs such as PhotoShop 5.5.

    As has been pointed out below, you can rectify the issue as a once off by explicitly granting permissions to the file, e.g. by right clicking on the file in Windows Explorer and (under the security tab) granting the "Users" group read access to the file or folder, or by propagating the permission on the folder or parent folder. 

    If anyone is reading this from the Corel team - this issue can be quite detrimental to productivity. I'd love it if you could please fix the issue.

    I ended up writing a Windows shell script that automatically grants read permissions to the "Users" group after you save a file. 

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