moving/dragging objects causes multiple copies along path

Running the X5 trial on W7-32b. Everything's been fine, until today. I think I inadvertently turned on a macro, don't know how to turn it off. When I simply drag an object on a page, multiple copies of the obj appear along the drag-path. The obj can be a shape, text block, paragraph text, etc. -- happens with anything I drag.

Does anybody know how to turn this feature off?

Thank you.

  • Hi blueberry, This happens to me also on the odd occasion in version X4. I run windows 7 and I think it may be tied into the way it does video on fullscreen. what do I mean? Well if I run a video on fullscreen whilst i have CorelDraw running in the background, when I return to Draw this multiple copy thing happens. So how to get around it. You can get it to do this on purpose by holding the space bare whilst an object is dragged and copies will be created along the path on the fly. It appears the Draw program has somehow had  the space bar on after a certain instruction set elsewhere has been executed.  So what i do to stop it is simply hit the spacebar again and CorelDraw picks up that the spacebar is now off and all returns to normal. Hope that helps you too.

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