Invalid Outline ID

I've been getting the attached error message quite frequently over a couple
of months now - basically that the file contains an Invalid Outline ID.
When the file is opened the outline in question always appears as a black
hairline, not the rendered thickness or colour. I can't think of anything
the outlines affected have in common - thickness, colour, scaled to image,
created manually or through the contour tool,  or anything else.
Oddly the fault doesn't appear to be consistent; the file may show it on my
computer but not another when it's opened there and visa versa.  Sometimes
it appears after I've opened the file a dozen times.
Any ideas?
Thanks, Colin

  • Since this appears only on one computer, I believe that something is corrupt with your CorelDRAW installation. first, try resetting your workspace with the F8 key (Press and hold down F8 key and when you get the pop-up asking if you want to reset to factory default, answer "Yes".)

    If that does not solve the problem, then put the DVD in the drive and go through the installation menu and select Repair.


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