Backup settings

Why are these two dialogues different?

The first is from PhotoPaint ~

the second from CorelDraw ~

I don't like Auto-save, I prefer to save as I go. I also prefer to save the backups to another disk, just in case the current working disk goes down.

As you can see with PP, I have the option to not use Auto-save but still save backups to another disk.

With Draw, I don't have this option and I'm forced to use Auto-save Sad .

Can some nice Corel developer jump in and explain if there is any reason why these dialogues can't be the same - and both be as PP?

No Data
  • Hello Shelley; There is a difference in save and Auto Backup. and you can set the CorelDraw Auto backup to do it anywhere you chose. The 5 min. is what I use and don't notice that it's even doing anything. ( on a slower computer I would use 15 or 20 min. to keep from slowing down the work I'm doing in Draw.)
      I would still save the Drawing file often and the way I do it is use "Save As" as soon as I start making the file ( that way when you hit the Ctrl+S it will save the file where you put the Save As file, ) I wouldn't set the auto save to the place you save your normal files.

    This is just the way I do it, and there are other ways I'm sure. ( It's really really bad to lose work )

