Embedding Origin Pro graphs with transparency mode fails in a CorelDraw

Hi all,

I've created a simple graph of an area painted with some transparency in Origin Pro 9.1(such as this:    http://www.originlab.com/www/products/GraphGallery.aspx?GID=228), and copied and pasted it on a blank CorelDraw X6 file. The area in the embedded image looks checker board pattern, not transparent as in the original image.

The problem appears to be within CorelDraw, as the embedded link to Origin software works fine, and an embedded image of the same graph  in Microsoft PowerPoint looks just fine.

I've tired combinations of earlier Origin versions (9.0, 8.5) , CorelDrawX3, XP and Windows7(32bit, 64bit). All failed.

Does anybody know a clue to this?