I am looking for a way to make CorelDraw x6 automatically insert the current time and date into a specific area on a drawing...

I am looking for a way to make CorelDraw x6 automatically insert the current time and date into a specific area on a drawing.  We have a proof disclaimer we insert into every proof we send to customers.  I would like that file to automatically update the time and date whenever it is inserted.  Is there a way to do this?

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  • You can try following macro - inserts the system date and time on given position (x,y). If started again then replaces an original date and time by actual   

    Sub IDAT()
    Dim DAT As Shape, x#, y#
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    x = 0 'position of text with a system date and time
    y = 0 'position of text with a system date and time
    Set DAT = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(x, y, Date & "  " & Time, cdrEnglishUS, , "Arial", 7, , , , cdrLeftAlignment)
    DAT.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 0, 0, 0, 100
    DAT.Name = "DAT"
    End Sub

    Best regards


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