Align and distribute objects to grid in VBA?

How do I align and distribute a random bunch of objects like this:

To this:

Manually I can select the objects row by row, or column by column, and align center relative to object, then distribute evenly.

I'm trying to write a macro to do this in one-click, but am already stuck at the first step, identifying rows or columns of objects by position.

Is there any perhaps established way of doing this in VBA?

No Data
  • Sub DistributeXY()
        Dim s As Shape, SR As ShapeRange, X As Double, Y As Double, i%, j%, n%, kI%, kJ%

        Set SR = ActiveSelectionRange
        If Int(Sqr(SR.Count)) > Sqr(SR.Count) Then
            kI = Int(Sqr(SR.Count)) + 1
            kI = Int(Sqr(SR.Count))
        End If

        If kI * Round(SR.Count / kI, 0) < SR.Count Then
            kJ = Round(SR.Count / kI, 0) + 1
            kJ = Round(SR.Count / kI, 0)
        End If

        X = SR.LeftX
        Y = SR.TopY
        For i = 0 To kI - 1
            For j = 0 To kJ - 1
                n = n + 1
                If n > SR.Count Then Exit For
                SR(n).SetPositionEx cdrTopLeft, X, Y - j * (SR(1).SizeHeight + (SR.SizeHeight - SR(1).SizeHeight * kJ) / (kJ - 1))
            Next j
            X = X + (SR(1).SizeWidth + (SR.SizeWidth - SR(1).SizeWidth * kI) / (kI - 1))
        Next i
    End Sub

    In this macro, I have written in such a way that the number of rows and the number of columns are minimally different.
    For example, if you have 21 figures, this macro will spread them into a 6 * 4 matrix and 3 empty places will remain.
    It is obvious that it would be more optimal be arranged in 3 rows and 7 columns.
    For this example, I didn't set that as a goal.
    Wish you success.
