ShapeRange does not update count after deleting the last shape

Hello, I have decided to ask for some help here after not being able to figure this one out. the following is a small portion of code trying to isolate the problem. I have a shaperange with 4 guidelines, after adding the 4 guidelines to the shapeange I delete the last one but the count of the shaperange remains in 4 instead of 3. What could be wrong here:

Sub InitialGuidesTest()

Dim Xleft As Double
Dim Xright As Double
Dim Ytop As Double
Dim Ybottom As Double

Dim C As Integer
Dim OutterGuidelines As New ShapeRange


Xleft = 5
Xright = 10
Ytop = 10
Ybottom = 5

' Create new guides
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.LeftX, Ybottom, ActivePage.RightX, Ybottom) ' Hor
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(ActivePage.LeftX, Ytop, ActivePage.RightX, Ytop) ' Hor
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(Xleft, ActivePage.TopY, Xleft, ActivePage.BottomY) ' Vert
OutterGuidelines.Add ActiveLayer.CreateGuide(Xright, ActivePage.TopY, Xright, ActivePage.BottomY) ' Vert

OutterGuidelines(4).Delete ' Delete the fourth guide
C = OutterGuidelines.Count ' Get the count of guides

MsgBox C ' Display the count '(Still displays 4 instead of 3)
End Sub

  • That's not how it works, although it wouldn't be very difficult to execute a loop in a shaperange, it turns out that the position will still be occupied but with an empty reference, if you try to access it you will receive an exception.

    you need to remove the shape from the range 



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