Has X7 given us back the option to use non-flexible X3 and earlier style layers? Or is a macro (like this one http://macromonster.com/index.php?mod=descr&id_desc=56 ) still needed to work around the problem?
Nothing has changed in X7 layers, as far as I am aware. But the macro you mention is listed as being for X4 and X5 only so may not work in X7.
this macro runs with me in X6, but in X7 (testversion) has an run time error :-(
Another reason to ignore X7. In my opinion Corel really botched the introduction of single-page layers. They should have added these as an additional feature rather than replacing the old layers model. I almost wish I could still us CorelDraw 12. The hours of extra work the new layer model has cost me could probably be counted in days.
notas said:this macro runs with me in X6, but in X7 (trial version) has an run time error :-(