18 versions and I see refresh issues... seriously this is unacceptable.

Page goes blank, C+W does nothing and I have to shut the program down and restart.

I turn on 'interruptible refresh' to resolve this.

On 8 cores and 2 graphics cards with 4GB of RAM...

How does any of this make sense?

  • I can't even get the page back by changing pages. All have become invisible. I don't know why this is happening but it is very very crap! The only think that doesn't show a blank page is the page sorter!

  • Page goes blank, C+W does nothing and I have to shut the program down and restart.

    that happens with one document or all documents?

    On 8 cores and 2 graphics cards with 4GB of RAM...

    it sounds strange, very powerful processor with a few amount of RAM. I suppose you're using Windows 32 bits, because the 64 bits version will eat almost all the memory. And moreover, your computer will use only one graphic card, you can't use both at the same time

  • This is a configuration issue on your system.  I use many systems and see non of this.  What processor and main board do you use?  What versions of Windows?  I've been seeing different issues with different English versions,  problems that do not appear for me happen for users with European versions and with UK English.

    Do you use a Xeon processor?

  • 8 core AMD, 16GB of RAM, 2 Geforce GTX 760 with a crossover, SSD disks, Windows 64bit, everything on weekly updates.

    3 displays, UHD 8 bit, HD 1920x1200, and a TV at 1360 X 768

    I've never seen anything like this even from early versions of Draw. Just a change in magnification and bang nothing is writing to the page display. Not after display mode changes, Control+W, page changes... nothing works except the 'Page Sorter' which is clearly very different display code.

    I'm pointing the finger at Microsoft for this. About a month ago after their 'updates' Media Portal went nuts and won't run full screen without crashing the display.

  • My guts says this has to do with an MS update to multiple screen handling. That's why no one else is seeing it.

    I used to run the UHD screen as YCbCr444 10 bit. If I do that now (all screens have independent settings) the 1360 X 768 doesn't function at all. It's getting a video signal but nothing show up on that screen.

    In any case you would expect Draw to update the display then check that it has updated the display and if not return some sort of error. Blank is not helpful in resolving this.