Help Rotated Text

Hey Guys.

I was using Ctrl + . (period) to rotate text.

My default when I go to add text now is rotated 270deg.

I can't get it back to 0deg, I have tried unrotating the text using Ctrl + , (comma) and setting it to 0deg on the menu bar and Save Settings as Default but nothing works.

I have restarted CDR

Does anybody know how to fix this without F8ing  CDR??


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  • I don't have a solution to offer, Chris - but I'd love to know what's going on there!

    I have a FreeFileSync batch job that "mirrors" my CorelDRAW workspace folders. Every time it changes or deletes a file from the mirror, it saves the old copy in a specified location with a time stamp appended to the filename.

    If something were to unexpectedly get messed up in a CorelDRAW workspace, that would allow me to turn back the clock to when things were OK.

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