I have an Epson Stylus Photo R285 which will not print CorelDRAW 11 files in the correct colours, notably cyan is printed as green/turquoise. I have had many interactions with Epson over this matter and even after pointing out that the problem does not exist with printers made by HP nor even when I point out these graphics on my old Epson Stylus 870 it reproduces these colours accurately (if slowly) yet their more recent model does not! They keep on insisting that the problem derives from your software. Can you help resolve matters?
A few points to note:
CD11 is running on an Acer Aspire 5732Z laptop with W7 installed. I have tried plugging the printer into my older desktop running XP SP2 with the same results.
When I import a graphic into MS Word XP the colours print correctly although the more complex fills seem to get confused and print as black. When I attempt a very small sample of test colours with CD11 (colour block sizes 15mm x 5mm) they print correctly! It appears that when larger areas of colour are called for the problem arises.
As my copy of CD11 is OEM I am unable to use the usual Corel help.
Anybody out there know the answer?
Can software go insane LOL????