CorelCad2019- Sketchy Lines shaded viewport options.

Hi there,

This is my first post here, so hello to everyone will read it. 

I used to work with AutoCad2012, and I just decide for economical reason to switch to CorelCad2019 

Autocad has a cool feature on the main printing/plot window, which give the possibility to select different  shaded viewport options.

Within those I particularly liked the Sketchy lines shade to use during the drafting /conceptual stages of my projects (see attached sample below).

In CorelCad;  Print/Additional Print Option,  I only see the Shade print options:

  • Wireframe
  • Hidden
  • Rendered

Any idea if there is the possibility to have additional shade options, different styles like the Sketchy Lines ? 

Would be nice also to know if there is the possibility to create you own personal shade style tweaking different parameters...

I also didn't find the way to create your own HATCH/FILL like I was able to create in AutoCad (like wood grain for example)

But this maybe is another issue/question I had to add an additional inquire here in the Forum.

Thank you.