1. Draw a square, for example 10x10 mm.
Tip 1: Hold Ctrl while using the Rectangle tool (Toolbox > Rectangle tool or F6), to create a square.
2. Duplicate the width of the square.
Tip 2: If you hold Ctrl and drag the center right handle, the size will duplicate (or triplicate, etc. as it enlarges in increments of 100%).
3. Make a duplicate of the rectangle, with a small distance between each.
Tip 3: Right-click (a click with the secondary mouse button), whilst moving an object creates a duplicate.
Tip 4: Pressing the Spacebar while moving also creates a duplicate.
Tip 5: Holding Shift or Ctrl while moving constrains the movement horizontally or vertically.
Tip 6: You can use the Transformations docker (Alt+F7), to designate an exact distance.
4. Repeat the process until the end of the page
Tip 7: Ctrl + R repeats the last action.
5. Reduce the size of the last rectangle to half size.
Tip 8: If you choose the left, center point on Object Origin icon on the Property bar, and change the size by entering a value in the Object Size field, the selected object will be reduced in size.
Tip 9: You don't need to calculate the size manually, because you can use a mathematical operation in the value fields. For example, to reduce the size by half add /2 at the end of the object size. For example, if the original size was 20 mm and you type 20 /2, the size will automatically change to 10mm. You can also multiply the size (for example by typing 20*3), or add to it (20 + 4) etc.
6. Select all objects and Duplicate one step down, following the same steps.
Tip 10: Double click on the Pick Tool or press Ctrl + A, to select all objects.
Tip 11: Duplicate (Ctrl + D), will create a copy of the selected object at the nudge distance chosen on the Property bar.
Tip 12: The Plus Key (+) on the numerical keyboard (Numpad), also creates a copy at the same place as the original, which can then be moved.
7. Select all objects on the second row and flip horizontally by clicking on the Mirror horizontally icon on the Property bar.
Tip 13: Hold Ctrl + Shift, and drag the center left handle to the right side to flip an object.
8. Select all objects and duplicate down again. Repeat until the page is complete.
9. Add color if you like. If you want a more realistic wall, you can add several tones of orange to the bricks.
10. Remember that bricks can seem regular but sometimes it will look better with some imperfections, such as rough borders or not inexact alignment.
Tip 14: Use the Roughen tool (Toolbox > Roughen), to create an irregular border. This will make the wall look more realistic.
Tips Provided by Ariel Garaza Díaz, CorelDRAW Master and Graphic Designer.
Thanks a bit quicker then my method