Hi guys I have a macro to curves barcodes on X7. It was working on X4. I tried to change for x7 but when i wrote last line it shut corel down. Could you help me please. I am new for vba :)

Option Explicit

Sub barkodkonvertx7()
Dim sr As New ShapeRange, sh As Shape, expF As ExportFilter, colorWHITE As New Color
Dim file$, toDEL As New ShapeRange, toSelect As New ShapeRange, bars&
If ActiveDocument Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If ActiveShape Is Nothing Then sr.AddRange ActivePage.FindShapes(, cdrOLEObjectShape) _
Else sr.AddRange ActiveSelection.Shapes.FindShapes(, cdrOLEObjectShape)
If sr.Count = 0 Then Beep: Exit Sub
ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "BARCODE curves"
On Error GoTo NextBar
For Each sh In sr
If InStr(sh.OLE.FullName, "BARCODE") Then
sh.CreateSelection: bars = bars + 1
file = Environ("temp"): file = file + IIf(Right(file, 1) <> "\", "\", "") + Hex(Timer) + ".eps"
Set expF = ActiveDocument.ExportEx(file, cdrEPS, cdrSelection)
With expF
If FileSystem.FileLen(file) > 0 Then
sh.Layer.Import file, cdrPSInterpreted
If Not ActiveShape Is Nothing Then
ActiveShape.SetPosition sh.PositionX, sh.PositionY
ActiveShape.OrderFrontOf sh
toDEL.Add sh
toSelect.Add ActiveShape
FileSystem.Kill file
End If
End If
End With
If toSelect.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox IIf(bars = 0, "No BARCODES found", "Error on internal EPS export/import of BARCODE")
Exit Sub
End If
If MsgBox("Found: " + CStr(bars) + " barcodes. " + _
IIf(bars = toSelect.Count, "EVERYTHING is curved", "Only " + CStr(toSelect.Count)) + " are curved" + vbNewLine + vbNewLine + _
"Remove white background and combine individually?", vbYesNoCancel, "BARCODE curver") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub
ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "BARCODE combine curves"
On Error GoTo NextShape
colorWHITE.CMYKAssign 0, 0, 0, 0
For Each sr In toSelect
Set sr = sh.UngroupAllEx
For bars = 1 To sr.Count
If sr(bars).Fill.UniformColor.IsSame(colorWHITE) Then _
sr(bars).Delete: Exit For
Next bars
Next sr
toDEL.Add sr.Combine
End If
End Sub
Private Function EPSOptionsLoad(eFlt As ExportFilter)
With eFlt
.AdjustFountainSteps = False: .ApplyICCProfile = False: .AutoSpread = False
.CropMarks = False: .FixedWidth = False: .IncludeFonts = False: .MaintainOPILinks = False
.OverprintBlack = False: .PreserveOverprints = False: .TextAsCurves = True: .Transparent = True
.UseBleed = False: .UseFloatNumbers = True: .UseJPEGCompression = False: .UseSeparationProfile = False
.Bleed = 0: .BoundingBox = 0: .FountainSteps = 256: .Header = 0: .MaxSpread = 0: .PSLevel = 1
End With
End Function