code needed. If selected shape has a contour then do something

see above

  • Alright, here is some code that will select the effect. Select your shape or shapes and run the SelectEffects.

    Sub SelectEffects()
        Dim sr As ShapeRange, srNewSelection As New ShapeRange
        Dim s As Shape
        Dim eff As Effect
        Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
        For Each s In sr.Shapes
            If s.Effects.Count > 0 Then
                AddShape srNewSelection, s
                srNewSelection.Add s
            End If
        Next s
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddShape(ByVal sr As ShapeRange, ByVal s As Shape)
        Dim eff As Effect
        Dim eff2 As Effect
        If s Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        If sr.IndexOf(s) <> 0 Then Exit Sub
        sr.Add s
        For Each eff In s.Effects
            AddEffect sr, eff
        Next eff
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddEffect(ByVal sr As ShapeRange, ByVal eff As Effect)
        Dim eff2 As Effect
        Select Case eff.Type
            Case cdrTextOnPath
                AddShape sr, eff.TextOnPath.Path
            Case cdrExtrude
                AddShape sr, eff.Extrude.BevelGroup
                AddShape sr, eff.Extrude.ExtrudeGroup
            Case cdrDropShadow
                AddShape sr, eff.DropShadow.ShadowGroup
            Case cdrControlPath
                For Each eff2 In eff.ControlPath.Effects
                    AddEffect sr, eff2
                Next eff2
            Case cdrContour
                AddShape sr, eff.Contour.ContourGroup
            Case cdrBlend
                AddShape sr, eff.Blend.BlendGroup
                AddShape sr, eff.Blend.StartShape
                AddShape sr, eff.Blend.EndShape
                AddShape sr, eff.Blend.Path
        End Select
    End Sub

    Hope that helps,


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