Removing incisions from curve paths.

Hello, code ninjas. I was wondering if someone here may have a better approach what I am doing (that sometimes produces errors as well).

Task is getting rid of incisions of an object outline. Basically making the lines smooth from a certain size.

This is my current approach - applying an outside contour, breaking it apart and then applying same size inside contour and thus getting a clean path. But it seems a little inefficient and sometimes produces errors (when small details are too close to one another). May there be some other, more efficient way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: The sample is a rectangle just for clarity, in reality we are dealing with all sorts of random shapes, so it cannot just be replaced.

Edit 2: Looks like I am using the same method that Shelby came up with here: so chances of there being something better do not seem that great. But, perhaps, something has changed over time. Aiming at 2018 at the moment, but this may justify a later version if it offers something new.

  • How about examining the curve and identifying the cusp nodes that are the "sharp points" of those incisions? Perhaps by using the angles of the control points of the two segments that involve that node?

    Here's something you could look at:

    Sub test_it()
    Dim s As Shape
    Dim noderangeThis As New NodeRange
        Set s = ActiveShape
        examine_curve_and_identify_sharp_point_nodes s.Curve, 5, noderangeThis
    End Sub
    Function examine_curve_and_identify_sharp_point_nodes(ByVal SourceCurve As Curve, ByVal CPAngleTolerance As Double, ByRef SharpPointNodeRange As NodeRange) As Boolean
    Dim nodeThis As Node
    Dim lngNodeIndex_subpath_getting As Long
    Dim subPathThis As SubPath
        On Error GoTo ErrHandler
        For Each subPathThis In SourceCurve.SubPaths
            If subPathThis.Closed Then
                For lngNodeIndex_subpath_getting = 1 To subPathThis.Nodes.Count
                    Set nodeThis = subPathThis.Nodes(lngNodeIndex_subpath_getting)
                    If nodeThis.Type = cdrCuspNode Then
                        If nodeThis.Segment.Type = cdrLineSegment And nodeThis.NextSegment.Type = cdrLineSegment Then
                            If AnglesAreClose(nodeThis.Segment.EndingControlPointAngle, nodeThis.NextSegment.StartingControlPointAngle, CPAngleTolerance) Then
                                SharpPointNodeRange.Add nodeThis
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Next lngNodeIndex_subpath_getting
            End If
        Next subPathThis
        Exit Function
        MsgBox "Error occurred: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "examine_curve_and_identify_sharp_point_nodes()", vbExclamation
        Resume ExitFunc
    End Function
    Public Function AnglesAreClose(ByRef Angle_A As Double, ByRef Angle_B As Double, ByRef Tolerance As Double) As Boolean
        If Abs(Angle_A - Angle_B) < Tolerance Then
            AnglesAreClose = True
            If (Angle_A >= 0 And Angle_A <= Tolerance) And (Angle_B <= 360 And Angle_B >= 360 - Tolerance) Then
                If Angle_A + (360 - Angle_B) < Tolerance Then
                    AnglesAreClose = True
                End If
                If (Angle_A <= 360 And Angle_A >= 360 - Tolerance) And (Angle_B >= 0 And Angle_B <= Tolerance) Then
                    If (360 - Angle_A) + Angle_B < Tolerance Then
                        AnglesAreClose = True
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Function

    One demonstration: