Outline Width

I had a simple macro in Corel 2020 to toggle the outline on and off. Since I updated to 2023 I've been getting a weird bug.

If there is no outline, it's creating an outline in inches. instead of 0.5pts default. What am I missing?

Sub Toggle_Outline()
  Dim s As Shape
  For Each s In ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes
    If s.Outline.Width > 0 Then
    ElseIf s.Outline.Width = 0 Then
      's.Outline.SetProperties 1    <-----Was working in 2020.
      s.Outline.SetProperties 0.5 'tried to change to 0.5pt but makes a outline .5" wide.
    End If
  Next s
End Sub
No Data
  • A lot of things in CorelDRAW depend on what the document units are. The document units are not necessarily the units you see in the user interface. You can get it or set it as the ActiveDocument.Unit property.

    In a lot of little macros, you will see people changing ActiveDocument.Unit to make it more convenient to work in a particular unit - but they often are not bothering to change it back to what it was, which could cause problems if one subsequently used other macros that assumed a particular unit was in use for the document.

    I prefer to not change ActiveDocument.Unit, and to instead use ActiveDocument.ToUnits to make sure that I am getting the correct values, regardless of what ActiveDocument.Unit might be.
