Calling a Sub or Function

I created a macro that exports each page in the document to a specific folder with a specific name. 

Folder path: D:\Sync\Tagify\Bud Light\Promotional\NFL\2023\Chargers\Fixed

File name: Chargers@Case Card - 11x17@Fixed@

I'm going back through my code to try and improve it. I'm trying to separate the steps into separate subs, or functions and calling them. However I'm having a hard time getting the values for the folder path and file name. Not sure if I'm doing this right.

Private Sub Export_Click()
    Dim sFileName As String, path As String
    Dim p As Page
    Dim expflt As ExportFilter

    'Set File Name
    Call Get_File_Name(sFileName)
    MsgBox "sFileName: " & sFileName 'returns nothing.
    'Set Path
    Call Get_File_Name
    MsgBox "path: " & path
    'Export All Pages
    For Each p In ActiveDocument.Pages
        'Select objects on page
        'If no objects selected, go to next page
        If ActiveSelectionRange.Count > 0 Then
            'Exports jpg
            Set expflt = ActiveDocument.ExportBitmap(path, cdrJPEG, cdrSelection, cdrRGBColorImage, 0, 0, 300, 300, cdrNormalAntiAliasing, False, True, True, False, cdrCompressionNone)
            With expflt
            .Smoothing = 50
            .Compression = 15
            End With
        End If
    Next p
    'Open folder of exported signs
    Call Shell("explorer.exe" & " " & path, vbNormalFocus)

End Sub
Function Get_File_Name(sFileName As String) As String

    Dim sFileName As String

    If Priced.Value = True And FrmMain.En_Y.Value = "" Then 'No Expiration Date
        sFileName = FrmMain.Title.Value & "@" & ActivePage.Name & "@" & "Priced" & "@" & FrmMain.Tagify_Brand.Value
    ElseIf Priced.Value = True And FrmMain.En_Y.Value <> "" Then 'With Expiration Date
        sFileName = FrmMain.Title.Value & "@" & ActivePage.Name & "@" & "Priced" & "@" & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yyyy") & "@" & FrmMain.En_M.Value & "-" & FrmMain.En_D.Value & "-" & FrmMain.En_Y.Value & "@" & FrmMain.Tagify_Brand.Value
    End If

    If Fixed.Value = True And FrmMain.En_Y.Value = "" Then 'No Expiration Date
        sFileName = FrmMain.Title.Value & "@" & ActivePage.Name & "@" & "Fixed" & "@" & FrmMain.Tagify_Brand.Value
    ElseIf Fixed.Value = True And FrmMain.En_Y.Value <> vbNull Then 'With Expiration Date
        sFileName = FrmMain.Title.Value & "@" & ActivePage.Name & "@" & "Fixed" & "@" & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yyyy") & "@" & FrmMain.En_M.Value & "-" & FrmMain.En_D.Value & "-" & FrmMain.En_Y.Value & "@" & FrmMain.Tagify_Brand.Value
    End If

    If Template.Value = True And FrmMain.En_Y.Value = "" Then 'No Expiration Date
        sFileName = FrmMain.Title.Value & "@" & ActivePage.Name & "@" & "Template" & "@" & FrmMain.Tagify_Brand.Value
    ElseIf Template.Value = True And FrmMain.En_Y.Value <> "" Then 'With Expiration Date
        sFileName = FrmMain.Title.Value & "@" & ActivePage.Name & "@" & "Template" & "@" & Format(Now, "mm-dd-yyyy") & "@" & FrmMain.En_M.Value & "-" & FrmMain.En_D.Value & "-" & FrmMain.En_Y.Value & "@" & FrmMain.Tagify_Brand.Value
    End If

End Function