This resource assumes that the reader has experience with at least one procedural programming language, such as BASIC, Microsoft Visual Basic (VB), C, C++, Java, Pascal, Cobol, or Fortran.
This resource does not describe the basics of procedural programming (such as functions, conditional branching, and looping). Therefore, before using this documentation, non-programmers are strongly advised to learn basic programming in a language such as Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA).
Most of the code examples provided in this documentation are written in VBA.
For more detailed instruction on the VB programming environment and on VBA, see Microsoft Visual Basic Help, which is available from the Help menu in the Script Editor (formerly known as the Macro Editor).
For a more basic introduction to macros, please see the topic "Working with macros" in the main Help file for the application. You can access the main Help from within an application by clicking Help Help topics.
Documentation conventions
monospace text