In the video tutorial "2D drafting with coordinates", Suzanne Smith describes different methods to draw objects using the command window for coordinate value entries.
With absolute or relative x,y(,z) coordinates and/ or angles you can draw nodes and segments of objects very precisely.Also, polar coordinates provide an option to specify new points using a distance and an angle.
Combined with the object snap and Polar guides in CorelCAD, you can use another very quick method to draw precisely on screen.
Whenever you have polar guides active in CorelCAD, you can specify the direction of the next entry (point, node, line segment etc.) using the Polar guide on screen. Once the intended direction is displayed on screen with the polar tracking line, you can simply type in the distance on the keyboard and will get the next point being drawn in the location specified by that distance value and the direction specified on screen as a result when hitting the Enter key.
Note that you can also use that Length option (typing in a single value only) without snapping to a polar guide angle. The point will then be set at the specified distance in the direction of the actual position of the mouse cursor - which might not be as precise as you'd like it. Setting up polar guides in the required angle(s) makes this option very powerful.