As some of you already noticed I made a few videos and posted them in the user forums. These videos will hopefully help you to get started using VBA automation in CorelDraw.

For those who don't know me I introduce myself to you. My name is John AKA RunFlaCruiser on the CorelDraw user forum.

Why do I make these Free videos?

Well, I like to help others and I also like VBA in CorelDraw. I am not making these video for monetary gain but I do accept tips if you want to donate. I hope others can learn more about either writing there own macros. Whether you actually write your own macros, I hope you will see the power that automation can do for you.

A special Thanks to Hugh Johnson and Patti Anderson for putting together a Wiki page with all of the lessons.

Here is the Wiki Page with the GDG Macros Lessons

I will try and continue to create video for everyone on my free time and hope you enjoy them. From now forward I will post a new Blog post every time I make a new video. So please subscribe to my blog.

If you want feel the macros have helped you greatly please see my website. You can support via donation or by purchasing one of my commercial macros.

I also get high on thank you's and feedback!



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