Hi All.

I finally updated the GDG Vinyl Easy Weed Helper Plus macro for X6

Use discount code GDGVE25OFF for 25% off. (It's best to copy and paste discount code into discount box to avoid spelling errors.)

-Discount code valid until 2-9-13

-Discount is only for the X6 version GDG Vinyl Easy Weed Helper Plus


See demo video here  (Make sure your Flash player is up to date. I also recommend FireFox as the best web browser, and it's free.)

About the macro:

This macro is great for sign makers or anyone who needs to duplicate shapes. The macro can quickly duplicate the selected shape to fit as many as possible tiled into your specified area. Many cool options include different 9 different weed border styles, rounded corners on weed borders, quick fit calculation, and more. Weed lines can be placed inside combine shapes or not.
New: Custom weed line and weed box maker, plus many other AWESOME new features! GET IT NOW!


Macros on my site are version specific so if you interested please purchase the version you need.
If you use both X5 or X4 and X6 you would need to purchase both versions.

General Notes:
Only 5 downloads per purchase so don't waste them.
Downloads are only for version you purchased.
Downloads are used only for minor version enhancements and fixes when and if I make available.
Macro is not locked to machine but is only for one version of Draw. One user per macro please! Thank you!

Thank you for your support! I hope you like the macro!


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