A few minutes ago, and part of our 20th anniversary celebrations, we went live with an online game called the Balloon Racer. The idea is very simple: You need to get through 20 levels, each of them representing a highlight that happened between 1989 and 2009, as fast as possible. Yes, some of the levels are challenging, but I can guarantee that you can go through them all.

And to make it an even easier way to get a link to it when you want to have a short break, we've integrated it directly in the CorelDRAW.com community: http://community.coreldraw.com/game. How fast will you be?

Feel free to share the link with your friends and colleagues.

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  • Quote from Gérard:

    "Yes, some of the levels are challenging, but I can guarantee that you can go through them all."

    Oh yeah ???? Prove it. Post a video of you going thru level 2003 !

    PS: My brain is mud at the moment Gérard, I ran out of coffee about an hour ago. I'm likely to wake up in the morning, see the blog and wonder just how the heck this post got there !

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