As you know if you read this, the community site went live in May of 2007 and has been a fantastic place for people to share their knowledge and learn from each other regarding all things related to the family of CorelDRAW product. Here you can find discussion forums, as well as blogs and galleries from users around the world. For those who use an RSS reader such as Google Reader or Mozilla Thunderbird, you can subscribe to the latest news and postings feeds at various places throughout the site to keep up-to-date or to follow a specific topic. And for those who wonder what RSS is, Wikipedia has a lot more details.

In addition to that, you can find CorelDRAW on a few of the social networks out there, with additional tools and resources for you to leverage. Here is a list of a few of them:

  • : is a "social bookmarking" site, that enables to share your favorite sites with other and to also notify others about specific sites that can be of interest for them. So if you have a web page that is of interest for the CorelDRAW community, simply tag them as "for:coreldraw" so that everyone can see them. Find out more information about the CorelDRAW account.
  • : Flickr is an online photo sharing site. The CorelDRAW account on Flickr includes different photos related to the products of the CorelDRAW family, such as launch events, ... 
  • : This micro-blog / status update site is a great source to stay up-to-date with the latest news and informations about the CorelDRAW product family. The tweets on this page include the latest announcements, product reviews and a few other extras. And if you are new to Twitter, here is a great video that explains what it is.
  • Facebook fan pages : Are you on Facebook? The add the fan pages to chat and stay up-to-date about the latest news regarding CorelDRAW Graphics Suite, Corel DESIGNER Technical Suite and the community site. 
  • Plaxo group : And for those of you who prefer Plaxo to Facebook as a social network, here is the link to the CorelDRAW Group on Plaxo.
  • CorelDRAW buddymapping : There is also an online map where user of the family of CorelDRAW products can add themselfs to show where they are located on Buddymapping. 

I look forward to seeing you online (or in real-life) in the future.
