I regularly get or see the question about what is the best graphics card for CorelDRAW. While we are not recommending any specific model / manufacturer, I would highly recommend you look at the 2D performance of your graphics card. Most of the latest generations of cards focus on the 3D aspect for gaming (at least those most of the computers get these days), which won't help at all for CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.

In addition to that, Tom's Hardware recently posted a very interesting article about the 2D performance of graphics cards is not equal, especially with the current drivers available for Windows 7 (Thank you Mona for sending this link). For those who want to learn more about the technology behind 2D graphics acceleration, this is well worth a read. And it is nice to see that CorelDRAW is the sample application in the screenshot ;-)

Update (25.03.2010): Thank you Stephen for pointing out that Corel CONNECT will actually benefit from a faster 3D graphics card. This is because Corel CONNECT uses WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) which converts everything to 3D objects and pipes it through Direct3D for better performance. Therefore, if you have a card that supports Direct3D, Corel CONNECT  will benefit from hardware acceleration and otherwise it will fallback to the software rendering pipeline.

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  • Your answer is a portrait of worthlessness.  Take a look and see how many users are experiencing slow CD performance.  And you're too good to make a recommendation?  Then make 5, man!  Do something!

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