Earlier today, we crossed the 50,000 members mark on CorelDRAW.com! Thank you all for making this community such a great place to learn, share and get inspired for all things related to the CorelDRAW family of products.

When we launched this site a little over 3 years ago, we believed that it would be a very useful place for many of you, but I have to say that this has exceeded my expectations. We are always thinking about what’s next with the community, and I would love to hear your thoughts and comments. What is great, what could be improved, what should stay the same, …?

m4080106_bs_160x205_rt_CDGSX5_Official_GuideTo celebrate the 50,000th member, we will be giving away 50 copies of the “CorelDRAW X5 Official Guide” book written by Gary Bouton and published by McGraw Hill (worth $50) to the top 50 contributors in the community for the last 6 months. We will be contacting everyone who will get a book to confirm the shipping address through private messaging within the community (if you are active here, make sure to check your private messages on the home screen in the coming few days ;-).

For those interested in statistics, here are some highlights about CorelDRAW.com:

  • Since launch, members made more that 78,000 forum posts in almost 60,000 threads. 
  • There are currently 365 media galleries with almost 5500 images / files in those. 
  • Looking back at the last 12 months, CorelDRAW.com had over 1.6 million unique visitors, coming from over 220 countries around the world. 
  • Our biggest day in traffic on CorelDRAW.com was June 1 2010 – almost 3 times the average – without any problem on the server (you can find all the info about that day in my blog post from back then ;-)… this “test” of unique daily visitors means we can continue to grow for a while before our current server infrastructure will be problematic ;-)
  • 46% of the visitors to the site used Internet Explorer in 2008 (out of which 22% still used IE6... please, please, upgrade your browser), 35% used Firefox and the rest is broken down between every other browser (Chrome is number 3 with just under 10%).
  • Not surprising, 95%+ of you use a Windows computer, with XP representing 60% of those, Windows 7 at 23% and Vista at 15%.
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  • Just wanted to provide a quick update to the 50 members who have been contacted regarding the free book. Some of you have already received it, but for some, it has proven to be a real logistical nightmare. Great that you come from so many countries around the world, but at the same time, it makes things a little more problematic. I we also discovered that shipping things from Canada to the USA can be really problematic and/or amazingly expensive. Those in the US should get their books early in the new year.


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