Stingray in it's Pen

I like drawing some of the sets used in some of my favorite shows and movies. This is from Stingray with the sub in it's pen. Though a "puppet show," the attention to detail was incredible. I took an existing pic I did of Stingray and drew the pen around it. This qualifies as mixed media. I did the art in Corel, but used Photoshop to achieve the ripple effect in the water.

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  • Not that I am complaining...I just don't understand what our drawings are based far as our star count. The Christmas Story House I drew was much more complicated than this, despite the look. I used more Corel technique on that drawing than on this one. I invented tricks that worked, used features for the first time and spent hours on the detail. Yet this pic is rated a full five stars, and the Christmas Story house dropped to three and a half. So...are the drawings being judged on popularity or on technique? I don't see any less quality on that pic...whatever tool or feature I used worked perfectly. I am just curious. It honestly seems that the less technical LOOKING drawings, despite some being harder and more complicated to do get less approval than something that looks cool. I am NOT whining...I just really want to know what sells here.

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