Joe 90's Car

One of the last Gerry Anderson shows to be produced was Joe 90. It too was supermarionation, though with technology, they were able to make the heads smaller on the puppets, it looked more fake. When they looked like puppets, you expected them to act like puppets. When they get so real looking and move like puppets, it looks fake. Anyway...the show involved a professor that invented a computer called the BIG RAT (Brain Impulse Galvanoscope Record And Transfer). The machine was capable or recording brain patterns of someone then implanting them in someone's head. As long as they were hooked up to the machine, they retained the knowledge from the brain pattern. For some reason, they decide the inventor's son, Joe, would be the perfect agent to use the BIG RAT. They invented a pair of glasses that had electrodes...the glasses stored the brain patterns and as long as Joe wore the glasses, he had the mental capability of the one who owns the brain patters. Everything from flying a MIG jet to brain surgery.

The snow never gained the popularity as the Thunderbirds or even the previous Anderson shows and was one of the last of the dying breed of Supermarionation. Though not as heavily effects laiden as the previous shows, it had this car which would then rise off the street, the wheels would retract, wings would pop out and it would fly. It is still considered a classic, and by the A&E Network, a form of art. I do consider all the Anderson supermarionation shows a work of art. Everything from the art of puppetry to the quaity of the sets...the attention to deail, the skill in the builders, the color choices...the shows were a visual marvel. And they weren't political. They were pure entertainment, unlike a certian movie out that is visually stunning, but hits you on the head with a sledge hammer to try and teach you something. Shut up and sing...

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