
 This work was presented as an illustration of the contest Corel opportunities for serious architecture, urban planning, and scientific - research work. In fact, it is suitable not only for the design of trade marks and booklets. Unfortunately, the conditions of the tender of such "architectural" category, though there are many architects and designers use Corel in the design. Maybe this should provide a separate architectural nomination for the future?

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  • Thank you! This work has no end. Protecting the concept stage will be soon. At this stage it was important to examine the historical roots of the colors of the city of Tomsk, to develop a methodology and analytical tools with which to analyze and manage the color palette of the city. Need to get rid of the color-chaos of the urban environment. The project should be implemented, but that's another, more complicated problem.

    Himself a "masterpiece" has the size of 1.4x20 m of graphic material. In addition, the explanatory memorandum and presentation.

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