Logo 5th Element

Logo creation: "5th Element". Trademark for a micro brewery.

In view of the customer barley would be the fifth element.

The icons corresponding to the four elements of nature

(earth, water, fire and air) were applied by customer request.

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    • • All vector / CMYK scale

      • Steps:

      Dots on red circle >> PowerClip + transparency.

      Seal 5º >> Mesh Fill + transparency on top + Drop Shadow.

      Outlines >> Convert to objects, Fountain Fill.

      Barley >> Bitmaps traced as "outline/detailed logo" + Drop Shadow.

      Text "Elemento" >> Outlined + Drop Shadow.

      Text "Microcervejaria" >> Envelope resource + black shadow.

      Icons >> Vector + Mesh Fill

      Execution timed: 43 minutes.