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  • Changing text properties using Macro


    I am trying to create a VBA macro that will set up some of the Text Shape properties. Please see the attached code below.

    Dim my_object As Shape
    For Each my_object In ActiveSelectionRange.Shapes
        If my_object.Type = cdrTextShape Then        

  • X7 Problem with Vector Fills and Styles

    In CorelDrawX7 am attempting to create a Style sheet containing Vector Fills but am unable to make it work. This is the procedure that I followed:

    Create a shape with no fill and keep it selected

    Using the X7 Fill Tool- Select Vector Pattern

    In Fill Picker…

  • Create text style from selection?

    Hi, this should be so obvious and I'm embarrassed that I can work it out. How can I create a paragraph or text style from a selected word or block of text:? Can someone help me before ALL my hair gets pulled out?! 

  • Access CAD assets with the new Design Resources in CorelCAD 2014

    CorelCAD 2014 Feature Highlight No. 2: The new Design Resources palette

    CAD projects typically contain not only a unique drawing but also many commonly used elements such as blocks (standard drawing components), styles for standard line types, dimensions…

  • Problem with text styles

    Problem with text styles: I have a big body of text, with several styles applied. The problem is, editing one of the styles does not affect the text that has this style applied to it. Changing the style or creating a new style does not work - it's like…

  • disable rectified text enlargement

    Hi, I use corel draw to design a poster for a scientific conference.
    The content of my poster consists of many diagrams and example traces. To make them fit together I need to drag the content in X or Y. While that I distort the text (change the Y…
  • X6 Styles

    1) I imported styles from an X5 drawing.  Some of the old styles are missing in X6.  Why did they not import?

    2) I imported styles twice.  Now there are two of each and I can't delete them all-- some are blank and will not delete.

    3) How can I delete…

  • Default Styles

    Working in X6, Win7.

    OK, what am I missing!? If I select a piece of artistic text and in the "Object Styles" docker I double click the "Artistic Text" under "Default Object Properties" why does not NOT apply that style?!?! Nothing seems to set the properties…

  • Macro for Styles

    Is there maybe a macro for styles (either text or graphics) that


    1. connects objects assigned with a style, to that style LIVE? eg, altering the style properties, automatically all objects assigned with that style will adopt those changes too, 


  • Resetting styles to default

    Hi forum fellows,

    I found useful information regarding styles here:  

     In the last paragraph it is shown how to save styles for reuse, or at least save them as default. But if you check…

  • Re: Resetting styles to default

    Okay, this seems good in theory. Now when I try to apply this in practice it is not as easy.

    If I have saved styles as default for new document they will appear in every new document. If i delete those styles and hit "Save settings as defaults" and make…

  • Graphic and Text Docker

    Does anyone know how to sort (alphabetically, for instance) the Graphic and Text styles in the Graphic and Text Docker?  I need the styles "Roads-county", "Roads-State" & "Roads-US" near each other and "apples" listed first.…

  • Deciphering a Photoshop Action to Create a Photo-Paint Script

    I've read the earlier post on the difficulty/impossibility of directly converting Photoshop actions to Photo-Paint Scripts (  No problem understanding this.

    I'd like to ask the question a little…

  • graphic styles: fountain fill can never be changed again

    If a graphic style is defined using a fountain fill you'll be able to
    redefine the fill, but objects using the style will never update their
    fill properties. Even if you change to e.g. hatch fill for that style

    there will not be an update. This is…

  • Support for styles in VBA is barely existing

    Styles are not supported in VBA properly. You are not even able to
    prove if style with a certain name exists without relying on the ON
    ERROR statement.

  • Re: graphic styles: fountain fill can never be changed again

    Markus Pfaff said:
    Styles seem to be the a weak spot in CorelDraw.

    Here's what is so unfortunate about this. Corel owns a product which has an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL style algorithm i.e. Ventura. They have basically abandoned this page layout program. It…

  • Re: Text direction for styles in CorelDraw x4

    Hi Leah,

    You can reach Text Direction from

    1. Tools > Options > Document > Styles
    2. Text > Paragraph Formatting (Opens the Paragraph Formatting docker)
    3. Left Ctrl + left Shift

    All these three ways will change the text direction of your…

  • Re: Two wishes for the next version...

    Jeff Harrison said:
    having linked Styles to para text frames or art text.........  ahh, then I can change text through a whole brochure design fast for different looks

    Amen! That is something absolutely necessary for document design of any sort. I was…

  • Change the text styles and graphics

    Did I change the application of the text for the text frame so that the artistic style of the text to apply only the selected text. No paragraph. This function I had to style paragraph text.

  • New text features for next version

    Text has been lagging behind in Draw for may versions now. Some of the text related code is really ancient and dates back to version 3 or 4, for example the text styles.

    Time for us to discuss in depth what we need. We better do this before summer of…

  • Auto-updating Text Styles?

    When using styles for text, I'm finding that paragraph text styles do not update themselves when a change has been made. For instance, if set my initial paragraph font style to Century Oldstyle and apply it to several paragraphs, those paragraphs are…