VBA Macro to create text goes missing when I try to print.

So after a few days of troubleshooting and trying to figure out what the problem was, I just decided to continue working like was doing before. I guess powerclipping the objects together and and saving the document embeds the font correctly. I just open the file again and print. Ugh. Thanks everyone for the help!

I made a macro to create a pricing text lockup. Everything looks good in Corel, but when I try to print to my rip software, the text is missing.

If I edit the text, like changing the price from 12 to 13, the 13 shows up again in the rip. It's like Corel loads the correct font again for printing when I edit it? Not sure what is happening.

Video explanation - https://youtu.be/LjcRBMPMAHw 

Here's my messy code. (sorry)

Private Sub Make_Click()
  Dim Dlr As Shape
  Dim Cnt As Shape
  Dim Sym As Shape
  Dim Tax As Shape
  Dim Pk As Shape
  Dim Price As Shape
  Dim TwoFor_2 As Shape
  Dim TwoFor_For As Shape
  Dim TextType As String
  Dim X As Double, Y As Double, w As Double, h As Double
  Const space_dist As Double = 0.1
  Dim sr As New ShapeRange
  Dim sr2 As New ShapeRange
  Dim FF_Brand As String

  Dim sT As Shape
  Dim pa As Shape
  Dim PrPk As Shape
  Dim PackArt As Shape
  Dim PriceFinal As Shape
  Dim PackArtDesc As Shape
  On Error GoTo ErrHndler
  'BeginCommandGroup "Error Handling"
  Set Dlr = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, PriceFrm.Dollar.Value, , , BrandFont.Value, 100)
  Set Cnt = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, PriceFrm.Cents.Value, , , BrandFont.Value, 50)
  Set Sym = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, "$", , , BrandFont.Value, 50)
  Set Tax = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, PriceFrm.Tax_Options.Value, , , BrandFont.Value, 9, , , , cdrCenterAlignment)
  'Cent Position
  Cnt.AlignToShape cdrAlignTop, Dlr
  Cnt.LeftX = Dlr.RightX + space_dist
  '$ Position
  Sym.AlignToShape cdrAlignTop, Dlr
  Sym.RightX = Dlr.LeftX - 0.07
  'Tax Position
  Cnt.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
  Tax.SetSize w
  Tax.AlignToShape cdrAlignHCenter, Cnt
  Tax.TopY = Cnt.BottomY - 0.07
  '2 For Position
  Select Case TwoFor
    Case True
    Set TwoFor_2 = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, "2", , , BrandFont.Value, 70)
    Set TwoFor_For = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, "For", , , BrandFont.Value, 50)
    '2 Position
    TwoFor_2.AlignToShape cdrAlignTop, Dlr
    TwoFor_2.RightX = Sym.LeftX - 0.12
    'For Position
    TwoFor_2.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    TwoFor_For.SetSize w
    TwoFor_For.CenterX = TwoFor_2.CenterX
    TwoFor_For.AlignToShape cdrAlignBottom, Dlr
  End Select
  'Select & Group Price
  sr.Add Dlr
  sr.Add Cnt
  sr.Add Sym
  sr.Add Tax
  Select Case TwoFor
    Case True
    sr.Add TwoFor_2
    sr.Add TwoFor_For
  End Select
  sr.Group.Name = "$" & PriceFrm.Dollar.Value & "." & PriceFrm.Cents.Value
  sr.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
  Set Price = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:="$" & PriceFrm.Dollar.Value & "." & PriceFrm.Cents.Value)
  'Add Package
  If Pk_MultiPage.Value = 0 Then 'Standard
  Set Pk = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, Pk_Options_Std.Value, , , BrandFont.Value, 9, , , , cdrCenterAlignment)
  Pk.SetSize w
  Pk.CenterX = sr.Group.CenterX
  Pk.TopY = sr.Group.BottomY - 0.1
  Pk.Name = Pk_Options_Std.Value
    If Pk_MultiPage.Value = 1 Then 'Stacked
    Set Pk = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, Pk_Options_Stk.Value, , , BrandFont.Value, 9, , , , cdrCenterAlignment)
    Pk.SetSize w
    Pk.CenterX = sr.Group.CenterX
    Pk.TopY = sr.Group.BottomY - 0.1
    Pk.Text.Story.LineSpacing = 73.638
    Pk.Name = Pk_Options_Std.Value
        If Pk_MultiPage.Value = 2 Then 'Narrow
        Set Pk = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0, 0, Pk_Options_Nw.Value, , , BrandFont.Value, 9, , , , cdrCenterAlignment)
        Pk.Text.Story.LineSpacing = 73.638
        Pk.SetSize , Dlr.SizeHeight
        Pk.LeftX = sr.Group.RightX + 0.15
        Pk.CenterY = sr.Group.CenterY
        Pk.Name = Pk_Options_Std.Value
        End If
    End If
  End If
  'Group and Rename
  ActiveSelection.Group.Name = "Price" '"$" & PriceFrm.Dollar.Value & "." & PriceFrm.Cents.Value
  Set PrPk = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:="Price")
  'Text Brand Colors v2
  Select Case BrandFont.Value

    Case "Bud Bold", "TradeGothic", "Futura Md BT"
        ActiveSelection.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 75, 68, 65, 90 'Black
    Case "Gotham Bold"
        ActiveSelection.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 100, 87, 0, 20 'Ultra Blue
    Case "Trade Gothic LT Std Bold"
        ActiveSelection.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 100, 96, 26, 21 'Estrella Blue
    Case "TitlingGothicFB Comp Medium"
        ActiveSelection.Fill.UniformColor.CMYKAssign 75, 35, 0, 0 'Bud Light Blue
    Case Else
        'Put code here to do something if it is none of the above.
  End Select
  'Activate Price Layer
  'ActivePage.FindShape(Name:="Price Area").CreateSelection
  'Set sT = ActiveSelection

  'ActivePage.ActiveLayer..CenterX = sT.CenterX
  Set pa = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:="Price Area")
  pa.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
  ActiveSelection.SetSize w * 90 / 100
  ActiveSelection.CenterX = pa.CenterX
  ActiveSelection.TopY = pa.TopY - 95 / 100
  'Dim Price1 As Shape
  'Set Price1 = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:="Price")
  'ActiveSelection.TopY = Price1.BottomY - 10
  'Package Placement Options==============================================
  Select Case Pk_Below1
    Case True
    'MsgBox FlexFrm.Brand.Value
    'MsgBox PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Stk.Value
    'MsgBox "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    PrPk.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveLayer.Import "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    Set PackArt = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr")
    ActiveSelection.SetSize w
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = PrPk.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.TopY = PrPk.BottomY - 1.5
    sr.Add PrPk
    sr.Add PackArt
    sr.Group.Name = PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & " - Final"
    ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & " - Final").CreateSelection
    Set PriceFinal = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & " - Final")
    pa.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    PriceFinal.SetSize , h - 2
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = pa.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.CenterY = pa.CenterY
  End Select
  Select Case Pk_Below2
    Case True
    'MsgBox FlexFrm.Brand.Value
    'MsgBox PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Stk.Value
    'MsgBox "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    Pk.Text.Replace Pk_Options_Std.Value, Pk_Options_Stk.Value, False, ReplaceAll:=True 'Change Pack Style
    PrPk.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveLayer.Import "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    Set PackArt = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr")
    ActiveSelection.SetSize w
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = PrPk.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.TopY = PrPk.BottomY - 1.5
    PackArt.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    Pk.SetSize h - 3
    Pk.LeftX = PackArt.RightX + 3
    Pk.CenterY = PackArt.CenterY
    Price.CenterX = PackArt.CenterX
    Set PackArtDesc = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value)
    Price.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    sr2.Add PackArtDesc
    sr2.Add PackArt
    ActiveSelection.SetSize w
    ActiveSelection.TopY = Price.BottomY - 1.5
    sr2.Add Price
    pa.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveSelection.SetSize , h - 2
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = pa.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.CenterY = pa.CenterY

  End Select
  Select Case Pk_Side1
    Case True
    Pk.Text.Replace Pk_Options_Stk.Value, Pk_Options_Std.Value, False, ReplaceAll:=True 'Change Pack Style
    PrPk.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveLayer.Import "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    Set PackArt = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr")
    PackArt.SetSize , h
    PackArt.CenterY = PrPk.CenterY
    PackArt.LeftX = PrPk.RightX + 2
    sr2.Add PrPk
    sr2.Add PackArt

    pa.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveSelection.SetSize w - 2
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = pa.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.CenterY = pa.CenterY
  End Select
  Select Case Pk_Side2
    Case True
    Pk.Text.Replace Pk_Options_Stk.Value, Pk_Options_Std.Value, False, ReplaceAll:=True 'Change Pack Style
    Price.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveLayer.Import "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    Set PackArt = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr")
    PackArt.SetSize , h
    PackArt.CenterY = Price.CenterY
    PackArt.LeftX = PrPk.RightX + 2
    ActivePage.FindShape(Name:="$" & PriceFrm.Dollar.Value & "." & PriceFrm.Cents.Value).CreateSelection
    sr.Add PackArt
    ActiveSelection.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    Set PackArtDesc = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value)
    PackArtDesc.SetSize w
    PackArtDesc.TopY = ActiveSelection.BottomY - 2
    sr.Add PackArtDesc
    pa.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveSelection.SetSize w - 2
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = pa.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.CenterY = pa.CenterY
  End Select
  Select Case Pk_Side3
    Case True
    Pk.Text.Replace Pk_Options_Stk.Value, Pk_Options_Std.Value, False, ReplaceAll:=True 'Change Pack Style
    Price.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveLayer.Import "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    Set PackArt = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr")
    PackArt.SetSize , h
    PackArt.CenterY = Price.CenterY
    PackArt.LeftX = PrPk.RightX + 2
    PackArt.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    Set PackArtDesc = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value)
    PackArtDesc.SetSize w
    PackArtDesc.CenterX = PackArt.CenterX
    PackArtDesc.TopY = PackArt.BottomY - 2
    sr2.Add PackArt
    sr2.Add PackArtDesc
    Price.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    sr2.SetSize , h
    sr2.Add Price
    pa.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveSelection.SetSize w - 2
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = pa.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.CenterY = pa.CenterY
  End Select
  Select Case Pk_Side4
    Case True
    Pk.Text.Replace Pk_Options_Std.Value, Pk_Options_Nw.Value, False, ReplaceAll:=True 'Change Pack Style
    Price.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveLayer.Import "D:\Sync\Source Art\" & FlexFrm.Brand.Value & "\Package Art\Automate\" & PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr"
    Set PackArt = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value & ".cdr")
    PackArt.SetSize , h
    PackArt.CenterY = Price.CenterY
    PackArt.LeftX = PrPk.RightX + 2
    PackArt.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    Set PackArtDesc = ActivePage.FindShape(Name:=PriceFrm.Pk_Options_Std.Value)
    PackArtDesc.SetSize , h
    PackArtDesc.LeftX = PackArt.RightX + 2
    PackArtDesc.CenterY = PackArt.CenterY
    sr2.Add PackArt
    sr2.Add PackArtDesc
    sr2.Add Price

    pa.GetBoundingBox X, Y, w, h
    ActiveSelection.SetSize w - 2
    ActiveSelection.CenterX = pa.CenterX
    ActiveSelection.CenterY = pa.CenterY
  End Select

Exit Sub
  MsgBox "Error occured: " & Err.Description
  Exit Sub
End Sub
Parents Reply
  • I tried saving but the fonts still won't go through. I made a simple macro to create text with my brand fonts. tried printing that and only a few go through.

    Video explanation -

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub CreateTextTest()
        Dim Font As Shape
        'Optimize True
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 1, "Gotham Bold", cdrEnglishUS, , "Gotham Bold", 50) 'Prints!
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 2, "TitlingGothicFB Comp Medium", , , "TitlingGothicFB Comp Medium", 50) 'Blank
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 3, "Bud Bold", , , "Bud Bold", 50) 'Blank
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 4, "Trade Gothic LT Std Bold", , , "Trade Gothic LT Std Bold", 50) 'Blank
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 5, "TradeGothicNo.20-Condensed", , , "TradeGothicNo.20-Condensed", 50) 'Blank
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 6, "Futura Md BT", , , "Futura Md BT", 50) 'Prints!
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 7, "Suti", , , "Suti", 50) 'Prints!
        Set Font = ActiveLayer.CreateArtisticText(0.5, 8, "GoodOT-CondBold", , , "GoodOT-CondBold", 50) 'Blank
        Set Font = Nothing
        'Optimize False
    End Sub
    Sub Optimize(Use As Boolean)
        If Use Then
            EventsEnabled = False
            Optimization = True
            EventsEnabled = True
            Optimization = False
        End If
    End Sub
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