Page up/Page down nuisance CD2021

The page up and page down keys don't do anything when the Text Tool is active.

Is there a setting I can change so I can page up/down without having to exit the text tool?


  • I don't think so.

    It is possible to make some shortcut keys work also in Text Editing mode, but apparently not the Page Up/Down keys.
    You can however assign for example Alt+Page Up/Down to switch page with the Text tool active, but when you get to the next page, the text will not be selected/active and you have to use Page Up/Down alone to go any further.

    At least that is what I found out from a couple of simple tests. :-)

  • X7 is the same. Just to clarify though, only if the cursor is active on the page. Works fine if you just have the tool selected.

    As a work around one could assign the choice keys to macros.

    Sub PgUp()
    Dim p As Page
    Set p = ActivePage
    End Sub

    Sub PgDn()
    Dim p As Page
    Set p = ActivePage
    End Sub