Table tool tutorial

 I just saw this one, a new tutorial on how to work with the table tool creating a flyer.
Good call Corel to make this turorial. 

  • I was busy reading the tutorial when I saw the bit about formatting text with the Live Text Preview.  Maybe I am misunderstanding what Live Text Preview actually does. 

    How I understand it is you select your paragraph text with the text tool (tried with pick tool as well / highlighted all text / tried artistic text) as in the tutorial and then when you go to the font list and select another font, your paragraph text will change to the selected text and as you scroll down the font list, your paragraph text will change accordingly but when you go out of the font list without selecting another font, your font will stay as it was originally.

    Am I right or wrong?

    I also saw another post on here about someone (can't quite remember who), who wants to turn it (Live Text Preview) off, because it is annoying.

    Well, I am coming to the reason for my post... Smile

    When I do it like I understand it, nothing happens, I see the flyout of the text on the righ-hand side with the sample of the font but my actual paragraph text does nothing.  I went into Options and try several settings there but nothing does something to the Live Text Preview. 

    It is not a major issue, I was just curious, why it doesn't work like the tutorial stated, or maybe I am just understanding it wrong.

    I know a lot of people says for example that they don't have scrapbook in Windows/Dockers but mine is there, nothing wrong with it.  Also, my default blank page / colour styles had a whole bunch of colours in it (like I said in a previous post). So, maybe the Corel version for my country is different?

    Or maybe a ghost in my program?  OR maybe my Corel has got AI and doesn't like the default settings...Surprise


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