VBA-Macro combine shapes

I'm a beginner. I was hoping someone would show me why my first macro doesn't work.

I need a macro that will:

- Find any shape with outline.width = 0.2 mm, but just for the selected objects
- Assign all located outline.width = 0.2 mm with a red color
- Combine all located outline.width = 0.2 mm 

Here is my code:
Sub dick_rot_kombi_5()
    Dim shs As Shapes, sh As Shape
    Set shs = ActiveSelection.Shapes
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    If ActiveSelectionRange.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Es ist kein Objekt ausgewählt!"
    Exit Sub
        If ActiveSelectionRange.Count = 1 Then
            MsgBox "Es ist nur 1 Objekt ausgewählt!"
    Exit Sub
        End If
            End If
    For Each sh In shs
        If sh.Outline.Width = 0.2 Then
        sh.Outline.Color.RGBAssign 255, 0, 0
        End If
    Next sh
    Set shs = sh.Combine 'here appears an error "91"Angry
End Sub
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!Yes

P.S: sorry for my english, it's not my native language.

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