Copy Shape size to another shape with mouse click


I'm would to ask for your help in creating a macro that does the same as the "Edit | Copy Propeties from..." does but that copy the size.

Much like this: 1st : you have a shape selected, 2nd You run the macro, 3rd You click on the final shape.

This is the code I'm using in a VBA form with 2 buttons, btnSelectShape and btnApplyToShape.

Option Explicit
Public sel As Shape
Public newsel As Shape
Public u As String
Public prevu As cdrUnit
Public msgAnswer As String
Public h, w, r As String

Sub GetShapeProperties()

    Set sel = Application.ActiveDocument.ActiveShape
    prevu = Application.ActiveDocument.Unit
    Application.ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    u = ActiveDocument.WorldScale
    If ActiveSelectionRange.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No Shape is Selected", vbRetryCancel, "CorelDRAW"

        h = sel.SizeHeight
        w = sel.SizeWidth
        r = sel.RotationAngle
    End If
'    MsgBox ("H:" & h & " W:" & w & " R:" & r)

End Sub

Sub SetShapeProperties()
    prevu = Application.ActiveDocument.Unit
    Application.ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter
    u = ActiveDocument.WorldScale
    If ActiveSelectionRange.Count = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No Text Shape is Selected", vbRetryCancel, "CorelDRAW"
        Set newsel = Application.ActiveDocument.ActiveShape
            newsel.RotationAngle = r
            newsel.SizeHeight = h
            newsel.SizeWidth = w
    End If
    Dim response As String
    response = MsgBox("Do you want to Delete the first Shape?", vbYesNo, "CorelDRAW")
    If response = vbYes Then
            ActiveSelection.AlignAndDistribute cdrAlignDistributeHAlignCenter, cdrAlignDistributeVAlignCenter, cdrAlignShapesToLastSelected, cdrDistributeToSelection
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub btnApplyToShape_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub btnSelectShape_Click()
End Sub

I'm doing this but using a form. Is the a way to remove the form and do it using just a mouse click in the final shape?

Thank you very much.