This is the question I asked myself several years ago? What can I really do with this software?


This questioning and time of learning and seeking was actually motivated within me one day after going to Foster Coburn’s web site. Where is watched a few of the video samples from one of the training companies he had featured on his site.


While I knew I was proficient in the Corel Graphics Suite I came to realize that I had not mastered the application and that I was paying the price for my lack of knowledge through using wrong techniques which resulted in me taking hours to do projects and work I could have done in minutes.


After this realization I found myself on a quest to discover techniques and routines that I could use to manage my work and projects in the fastest most accurate possible manner. I spent hours playing around with the different features and functions in CorelDRAW and PhotoPaint. Learning, making mistakes and evaluating every project that I came across my desk in the light of newly discovered knowledge.


Weeks, months and years passed as I pursued this knowledge. Some years later I still find myself learning and tweaking what I know every day.


This Corel Graphics Suite is a profoundly deep and powerful graphics application. It is extremely underrated. I know Illustrator, PhotoShop and many other graphics applications which I use from time to time. But when I need to get some work done, I go to my Corel Graphics Suite where I can settle in and blast our vector and bitmap work within one application.


If you are looking to learn more about the Corel Graphics Suite simply take a few hours to review some of the free video tutorials on my web site.


My advice to all Corel users, learn as much you can and harvest the fruit of your learning and labor.

In this day there is an abundance of knowledge and training available. For those of you that are new users take advantage of these resources. These resources were not available when I started and I had to learn it all threw self teaching, trail and error.

Over time you will find that your talent and quality of work will grow side by side with your knowledge and understanding of the software applications you use on a daily basis.


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  • It has fully emerged to crown Singapore's southern shores and undoubtedly placed her on the global map of residential landmarks. I still scored the more points than I ever have in a season for GS. I think you would be hard pressed to find somebody with the same consistency I have had over the years so I am happy with that.   Zonnepanelen Limburg

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