You can quickly create a watermark in CorelDRAW to protect your work. While this doesn't totally prevent misuse of your work, the complications a watermark creates for someone wanting to use it without permission is often enough of a deterrent.
1. Create a seal that you will use as the watermark.

2. Select the seal, and click Bitmaps > Convert to Bitmap.
3. Open the work to which you want to apply the watermark, and position the seal over it.
4. Select the seal, and click the Transparency tool in the toolbox.


5. On the property bar, do the following:
- Choose Uniform from the Transparency type list box.
- Choose Normal from the Transparency operation list box.
- Adjust the Starting transparency slider.

6. Select both images, and click Bitmaps > Convert to Bitmap.

Tip provided by Silvio Gomes, Graphic Designer & CorelDRAW Master.