For those of you who are new to web development and want to try using Corel to create web graphics, when designing content for the web, make sure you are using RGB colors and exporting images in RGB for the best and brightest color.  Also you need to export all your images at 72dpi.  I have also found that when exporting images for use on the web it helps to make sure your "Sub-format:" is set to (4:4:4) with 0% blur (4:2:2) will create slightly smaller file sizes, however adds this weird texturing to colors like red. In other words the quality isn't as nice.  Speaking of quality, we also like to keep our "Quality" set to "Highest" or 100% which will result in slightly larger file sizes but crisper images.  Also make sure have "anti-aliased" for smoother lines in your images.

Tip provided by Joe Diaz, CorelDRAW  Master, Graphic Designer and Sign Artist.

Note: This tip is available in 3 languages (English, French and German).