If you are creating your own e-book comic, you can easily ink, draw and color your comic using Corel PHOTO-PAINT, and use CorelDRAW to layout the pages. Here is how.
1) Draw, ink and color your art in Corel PHOTO-PAINT at 300 dpi. Save original as a .CPT file and export/ or save as a JPEG, PNG or GIF at 96 dpi.
2) Import your art (96 dpi), into CorelDRAW (Ctrl + I). Set up your page sizes, and place your art.
3) When all text and speech bubbles are finished, just save as a PDF (File > Publish to PDF).
4) Log onto your favorite .mobi or other file format converter online, where you are going to publish and sell your comic. And then you are done!

Tip provided by Stefan Lindblad, CorelDRAW Master, Illustrator, Graphic Designer & Artist.

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