There have been some minor changes to how CorelDRAW and Photopaint handle custom add-ons.  This article highlights the differences between X4 and X5.   I recommend first reading  Custom add-ons and dockers in CorelDRAW if you are interested in creating a custom docker.

Location, location, location

This first difference between X4's and X5's add-on management is the location of the add-ons.  The location has been moved from:

<Install Folder>\Programs\Draw\AddOns


<Install Folder>\Programs\AddOns

To simplify the folder management, we moved everything from several folders to one.  But, you may ask, how do you tell CorelDRAW to run your add-on, but not Photopaint?  This brings us to the second difference.

The .addon File

If your add-on is meant only for CorelDRAW, simply create an empty file (e.g. text file), and give it the name Coreldrw.addon.  When CorelDRAW loads, it will see this file as an indication to load your add-on.  CorelPP.addon will load the add-on in Photopaint, and having both files will load your add-on in both applications.

Remove the version identifier

The last difference is the version identifier found in UserDraw.xslt.  If you open any of the examples from my previous article, you will see that the <applicationInfo> tag contains an attribute 'version="14"'.  Simply delete this and you're ready to go!

I've ported the X4 table presets docker add-on to X5, enjoy!   [If it downloads as a .tgz file, simply remove the .tgz extension so that it is a normal zip file.]


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