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  • How to import cdr file selected pages

    I have id cards on 17 pages, and i have taken a new document want to import few selected pages from the saved cdr files.

    When i click on import cdr file all the pages are import that i do not want.

    Any suggestion like we import pdf file with selected…

  • Duplicate Current Page Then Rename It

    Hi all,

    I have been working on a macro for a while that duplicates the current page and makes some changes to the objects.

    But ideally I would like to expand on that and rename the page at the same time. But, what seems to happen is that I duplicate…

  • Macro placement of objects

    Need help placing objects below one another.

    Here's how the current macro is placing the objects on page 1.

    So for each object on each page, move to page 1, below text 1, repeat and place below text 2, etc...

    Sub pagesToLayers()
        Dim s As Shape…
  • Can You Automate Numbering Pages/ Graphics?

    So we have a client here that wants 150 stickers all with unique numbers on them, from 600-750.

    Is there a way to automate this process without having to create new pages and edit each number/ text on each page one by one?

    Here's the graphic incase…

  • Multi-page display and editing


    Is there an option to view and EDIT multiple pages in one workspace, not switching each time between pages but utilizing more InDesign-like (or just like MS Word) workspace layout?

    Like this:

    With Page Sorter View I…

  • Some pages of PDF Page size changed after Publish to print

    Have any body answer for this question.

    Some pages of 72 pages of PDF book become white thumbnails/size changed/smaller/error showing in pdf after Publish to print?


  • Why when I try to add a new page do objects disappear on layers in my original page?

    I'm using Home & Student x8. v18.1.0.690

    I have one page with about a dozen layers. Doing architectural drawings.

    I started with my plan-view drawings.

    Moving onto sectional view, so figured I would create these on a new page.

    But the instant…

  • Merge Pages within a CorelDraw file or print all of the pages onto 1 page???

    I do some drawing for work of buildings.  I normally use guide lines and then I'll do a section of the building on one page, then another section on another page, and yet another section on another page until i have 4 or 5 different sections.  Once…

  • How to make a document?


    I want to make a couple of documents with all the same layout, but for every machine i use a different picture, tekst, translations etc.

    I failed to find a good tutorial for this, can anyone help me on my way?

    Most tutorials are about graphics…

  • How do I stop corel from copying and/or deleting content between pages.

    For years (15) we have only used one page in coreldraw.  We keep all of our elements/content on that page and simply move things around if we need to print.  I have toyed with using multiple pages in the past, but can't figure out why and when corel copies…

  • Custom add-ons and dockers in CorelDRAW

    Update: For differences in X5 please see this


    As you know, CorelDRAW is a very extensible and customizable application.  With X4 a new feature was added that makes it even more so—the "Addons" folder.  In this tutorial, we'll…

  • Meet two of the most spectacular books on CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6.

    "CorelDRAW X6 - Official Guide" (by Gary David Bouton) and "Bring it Home with CorelDRAW" (by Roger Wanbolt) are two of the most spectacular and complete guides for you to work with CorelDRAW with the fullness of all its resources.

  • Using Corel Query Language (CQL) to search for objects in CorelDRAW documents

    Using Corel Query Language (CQL) to search for objects in CorelDRAW documents

    Searching for objects with certain properties is a common task while writing macros for CorelDRAW. Normally, if you need to search for objects of specific size, or fill, you…

  • Inspiration from Corel Discovery Center

    Visit regularly Corel Discovery Center and watch nice video tutorials about how to produce cool jobs with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.


  • Creating Patterns like Escher: Part 2

    Before we start

    This article will build on what was discussed in Part 1, so if you haven't checked it out yet, you may want to do so now.  As with part 1, all grids are formed with cloned line segments, snapping is heavily used and duplicating is…

  • Tipp der Woche: So wenden Sie Bitmap-Effekte auf Vektorobjekte an


    Mithilfe des Bitmap-Effekts „Farbe/Sättigung/Helligkeit" können Sie das Aussehen mehrerer ausgewählter Vektorobjekte ändern. Klicken Sie einfach auf Effekte > Anpassen > Farbton/Sättigung/Helligkeit, um…

  • Creating Patterns like Escher

    Before we start:

    The method described in this article involves a lot of duplicating and arranging of shapes.  I want to highlight the method I use to do this quickly.


    1. Identify the shape we want to arrange into a pattern
    2. With snapping on, grab…
  • X5: Custom add-ons and dockers in CorelDRAW - What has changed?

    There have been some minor changes to how CorelDRAW and Photopaint handle custom add-ons.  This article highlights the differences between X4 and X5.   I recommend first reading  Custom add-ons and dockers in CorelDRAW if you are interested in creating a custom…

  • L'astuce de la semaine: Application des effets bitmap à des objets vectoriels

    Vous pouvez modifier l'apparence de plusieurs objets vectoriels sélectionnés en leur appliquant l'effet bitmap Teinte, Saturation et Luminance. Pour cela, cliquez simplement sur Effets > Réglage > Teinte/Saturation…

  • L'astuce de la semaine: Mise en place de contenants PowerClip vides

    Lorsqu'ils sont vides, le comportement par défaut des contenants PowerClip est d'afficher, d'imprimer et d'exporter les lignes diagonales dans les encadrés vides. Avec CorelDRAW X6.1 et mise à niveau ultérieure, vous pouvez facilement modifier le comportement…

  • Re: Printing in reverse order?

    Hi, Like this :-- Select file|Print|Pages -> Last page to first page Try it!
  • CorelDraw X7 wishlist

    It would be helpful for me if CorelDraw could do multiple Drawing scales for different pages instead of it being a global thing for the entire document.  

    3/16 = 1' (page 1)  1/4" = 1' (page two.)  

  • Mistake No 1

    Это мой первый урок - первая попытка изложить свои мысли в виде урока. Поэтому тему взял несложную. Уделяя больше внимания тому, как сделать поясняющие рисунки и как их выложить на сайте.

    Цель урока. Показать, как можно делать длинные тонкие объекты…

  • Диск BMW

    Диск колеса BMW представляет из себя геометрически правильную фигуру, составленную из простых составляющих (в порыве творческого вдохновения какого-то дизайнера). С одной стороны, вроде бы, не должно быть особых трудностей (при рисовании), а с другой…

  • Деревянный нож

    Цель данного урока - научиться вырезать точно по размерам из (плоской) "доски" в аксонометрии, используя предварительную разметку направляющими.

    В точке с координатами х=40, у=50 проводим две направляющие под углами 30 и 300 градусов. Затем…

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