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  • User manual

    Is there an actual user manual for CorelDraw GS 2018 some place? Or a downloadable version of the help file? Most of the time I am not connected to the internet, and it's really hard to accomplish some things without having access to the help file. If…

  • CorelDRAW X8 VBA help documentation local copy

    Just upgraded from X5 to X8 since I surrendered to Windows 10 upgrade. Now converting all my macros to work in X8 but the installer does not install locally the  CGS VBA help as you could in the past. Where is the resource to download and install? Firstly…

  • How to relate non-localised help files to localised menus?

    I am using Corel Graphics Suite X6, in a Dutch-localised version. That is, the user interface is localised, but the help files are not! This is pretty bad. In the help files solutions are presented, but when wanting to apply them, I get stuck as I have…

  • CorelDRAW® X7 and Corel® PHOTO-PAINT™ X7 Help files available on

    To access the Help files, check The links are located in the right side bar under 'Online Resources'.

    Note: the help files are available in 12 languages (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian…

  • Re: LISP functions in CorelCAD

    The Lisp reference is installed with the application as Help file.

    On Windows you find it as "CorelCAD Lisp Reference.chm" in the application installation folder. It can be accessed through the Start menu / screen directly:

    It contains 3…

  • Help Files – CorelCAD 2013


    Being on the CorelCAD Learning Curve I am a frequent visitor to the HelpFiles.

    Searching for solutions seems to indicate that either my installation of CorelCAD 2013 is defective or that the CorelCAD Help File is not fit for purpose?

    In this case…