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  • Tip of the week: Quickly getting into, and out of a PowerClip

     Powerclip is a popular feature that allows you contain one object inside another. Once you have a PowerClip on the page, pressing the <CTRL> key and clicking on the object will enter edit mode. Once in edit mode, if you hold the <CTRL> key and click…

  • help urgent powerclips

    the reason for this post is there if I can help to know that the powerclips makes me big and way up leaf leaves letters Center it me that's the end result of the work because when you believe it looks good but the no result .. as shown in the image…

  • Color profiles and Powerclip - X6

    I am creating a CMYK document. After converting a reference photo to CMYK I imported it into my DRAW file. I will use that to pick colors.

    The problem: the eyedropper tools work correctly capturing CMYK colors as long as it is not in a powerclip. If…

  • X6 Powerclip Object and CutContours

    In Draw X6 Powerclips have changed. I found a strange anomaly that may be a bug.


    1. Create an object and place something inside it using the Powerclip feature. 
    2. Add a CutContour (cutline for Roland VersaWorks RIP) A CutContour is a special spot color that…
  • Exporting CDR files to EPS or AI

    Does anyone have any tips for the best way to export Corel Draw files to a format that other non-Corel users can easily manipulate?  I have had trouble saving as or exporting to other vector formats in the past.  I use very large files with imported jpg…

  • CorelDRAW X6, yeni PowerClip denetimleri.

    CorelDRAW X6 duyurulduktan sonra küçük bir tanıtım yazısı yazdım, yeni upgrade politikalarını anlattım, bir basın bülteni paylaştım, paket içeriğini aktardım, bir kaç küçük video paylaştım ve tam bir kurulum kılavuzu yayınladım... Fakat hiç bir yeniliği…
  • CorelDRAW X6.1 Yenilik: PowerClip Options.


    Uzun bir aradan sonra CorelDRAW X6 yeniliklerine devam ediyoruz. Bu sefer yenilik X6'dan değil X6.1'den geliyor. Bildiğiniz CorelDRAW güncellemelerini artık servis paket olarak değil Update (güncelleme) olarak gerçekleştiriyor ve güncellemeler ile hata…
  • Problem Converting to PDF

    I have problem with my file converting to PDF. Actually there is powerclip object (bitmap inside) which is outside the document area. When i convert it to PDF, i can't open the PDF file. It displays error. Any help?

  • Importing Image into PowerClip (Corel Draw x5) in C# 2010

    I would like to know how to import Image into PowerClip and align it center in c# 2010

    I am using Corel Draw x5

  • Find and replace text inside a powerclip


    Hi, i have manage to do a "find and replace" text no problems.  However it cannot see that i have text inside a powerclip.  is there a way to find and replace text in powerclip?  also look at all pages at the same time? rather than per page?

  • Powerclip Container Resize

    Is there a way to resize a powerclip container that keeps the contents at its original size - so you can view more or less of the contents simply by changing the shape of the container?

    (Rather than editing the contents or extracting the contents and…

  • powerclip has no shortcuts

    why there are some shortcuts by some commands displayed by default but you have any shortcuts by powerclip?

  • Issues with Powerclip on Draw X5

    I just started using Draw X5, I tried to insert a picture inside an ellipse, and it doesn't work.
    The procedure is the same I used to do on previous versions of Draw.

    ·  Click on picture I want to insert
    ·  Effects - Powerclip -…

  • Some Questions Answered

    One reader asked me about these scenarios, and I'm glad he did because I suspect many others have struggled with the same issues. Fortunately the workarounds are quite simple.

    The next question:

  • CorelDraw’s PowerClip featured at Holy Crop!

    When anyone asks me my favorite Draw feature, I say, without hesitation: The PowerClip.  Zip over to the Holy Crop! blog and see what the Cropist has to say about the PowerClip tool as an image cropping godsend to the designing photographer. Rikk Flohr…
  • Re: How to trim a bitmap?

    Tanma said:
    Could you please explain how I should go about it also to include all the roads and state boundaries?

    Hi Tan,

    My favourite option is to uncheck "Auto Center Powerclip contents" from the options.


    • I Broke the object from…
  • Re: croping an oval from a picture

    My advice to you is to use the Powerclip feature.

    This way you will still have your original image intact (just in case you need to modify it).

    To do so. Select the Eclipse Tool (F7), Draw the oval you need, Select the image and powerclip that into…

  • Re: How Can I Place a Photo to Show Through an Object

    To add to what Anand said.

    You can edit the contents of the powerclip by holding the Control (CTRL) + Left Mouse Click. or similarly Effects > powerclip > Edit contents.


  • Re: Wishlist for CorelDRAW X6

    The ability to have the contents of Powerclips - bitmap or vector - conform to any kind of distortion applied to the container.

    e.g. Perspective or envelope - essential for mockups.


  • Re: CorelDRAW X7 features and request list

    Parametric Dimensioning and Tools:

    Able to label and determine lengths and angles by numbers and formulas ie: rectangle W=6 , L=2W. Ability to constrain nodes as any angle, and line segments as parrallel. 

    New Powerclip - Document Scale Powerclip


  • Re: PowerClip Glitch/Error...whatever...

    I'm using X4 Educational version. Windows XP PC, I doubt my other specs will have much to do about this. Seems like an unusual error.

    I think it's happened before, but not so catastrophically. And I'm not even really sure what caused it to do this…

  • PowerClip Glitch/Error...whatever...

    I just spent 2 SOLID hours working on my daily comic that I publish online and use a mixture of CorelDraw and Photoshop to make each page. 

    Now, I use PowerClipping to constrain my panel boxes for the comic. I was in the middle of finishing up the strip;…

  • Tengo un problema con los PowerClip

    Saludos Cordiales,

    Un placer saludarlos de nuevo.

    Tengo un problema con los PowerClip que esperaba estuviera solucionado para la versión X4, pero al parecer sigue igual o será problema de alguna forma de trabajar con los archivos.

    El problema es que…

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